January is National Mentoring Month, a designated time to recognize those mentors who have made a difference in our lives—professionally and personally. It’s also an opportunity for each of us to help the young people in our communities and workplaces reach their potential and realize their dreams.

In his Proclamation on National Mentoring Month, 2022, President Biden stated that “We all benefit from the support, wisdom, and nurturing of mentors who have navigated the path before us.”

Most likely, we can easily recall those individuals who gave us confidence to pursue a dream or helped get us back on course when we may have lost sight of our vision. Perhaps it was a teacher that recognized a talent you had in a particular subject or a coach that gave you motivational tips that you use to this day. As a young professional, maybe you had a supervisor that encouraged you to pursue an advanced degree or a friend that shared some insights about their job when you were considering a career change. Whether it was a formal mentor-mentee relationship or simply someone taking time to discuss your aspirations over lunch, a meaningful connection was made.

Cricket Wireless sees the value of mentorships. In fact, one of our Corporate Social Responsibility pillars is to foster kindness through mentoring and recognition. Through our ongoing support of organizations like the Boys and Girls Clubs of America and Junior Achievement, as well as initiatives like Calling All Jefes, we are committed to helping put young people in positions to succeed.